现在人们能用电来发动汽车 Now people can [use] electricity [to power] cars.
He worked hard to [grow] good crops [on] the poor soil.
It's spring.It's around this time every year that I [get] my garden planted and do spring cleaning.This year I'm doing things in a [different] way.
这样才是正确的 ♥ 自己认真回答的,应该是正确的,我已经知道了,但你不对哪里不对?现在人们能用电来发动汽车 Now people can [use] electricity [to power] cars.他辛勤劳动,使贫瘠的土地里长出了庄稼He worked hard to [grow] good crops [on] the poor soil. 应该是 useto runprouduce from下面的对可我觉得我的那个也不算错吧。。 用的词不一样可是意思一模一样。