孔子(Confucius)是世界公认的世界十大思想家之一,他的思想在中国、在东亚都有广泛的影响.孔子又是个大教育家.在那个时代,只有贵族子弟才能够受教育(aristocratic:贵族的).孔子提倡 “有教无类”,他收学生,不论他们地位贵贱,都一律平等地进行教育.孔子兴办私学,打破了官方对文化教育的垄断(monopoly).据说孔子教过的学生有三千多人,其中著名的有72人.(146字)
人气:369 ℃ 时间:2019-08-21 08:42:34
Confucius is one of the most acknowledged ideologists with his ideology spreading in China and even all the East Asia. At the same time, Confucius is a well-known educationist as there was the aristocratic children only who had the fortune for education. Confucius advocated educational equality allowing students whoever came from the poor or the rich to have their opportunities for being educated. Confucius also put an end to the official educational monopoly by establishing private education. It is said there had been more than 3 thousand people educated by Confucius and 72 famous people