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u agree that it is more enjoyable to have a job where u work three days a week for longer hours than work five days a week for shorter hours.
Although working less days a week sounds to be a pleasant idea to some people,I don't find it more enjoyable than the orginal way of working hours in some ways.I'll state my oponion in personal,historical,and sociable ways.
Personally,working 3 days a week may be less than enough for each individual.A week is made of up to 7 days,if we only squeeze out 3 days to work,the other 4 days may seem to be a waste.Because 3 days barely count up to half of the days in a week ,we cannot simply let the precious time slip away through our fingers if 2 days are cut out.Some may argue that in a 3-day situation,it will be the same since we can work for longer hours.While I find it hard to believe since people may get tired working for longer hours a day,and they may not be as productive as the normal hours of working conditions.
Historically speaking,everything shows up for a reason.As we all know ,the fixed formula of working five days a week has been formed a long time ago.Our ancestors have already made full consideration into the length of working days,therefore there is no need to change it.Apparently the 5-day working formula is adopted by most companies and enterprises nowadays,and the reason is clear because it is extremely suitable to both the physical and mental health for humanbeings.
人气:152 ℃ 时间:2020-07-03 10:58:19
不过最终结果还得看阅卷老师 他的心情也很重要.考的雅思 混了你的文章总体把看法都交代清楚了 问题不大托福的话 25 26 这个样吧------------新托福考试的写作部分包括两道试题,需在大约50分钟的时间内完成。独立写作试题部分需30分钟的时间,需要考生根据自己的知识和经验陈述、解释并支持对待某一问题的某个看法。通常有效的回答应是一篇300个单词左右的作文。对于以阅读和听力材料为基础的写作试题,考生首先需要阅读一篇学术演讲,阅读的时间是3分钟。然后文章隐去,这时考生需要听一段大约为1分半钟的演讲。但是考生在写作文时可以看到在放听力材料时隐去的阅读材料。考生在听录音的过程中可以做笔记来帮助答题。此外,考生有20分钟的时间来总结听力材料中的要点,并解释这些要点与阅读材料中的要求有何不同。通常有效的回答应是一篇150至225个单词的作文。每个写作任务的分数是0至5分。考查综合语言技能的作文题目的评分以回答的质量、完整性和准确性为依据。 综合写作:1、 内容的完整性和准确性。2、 文章的组织机构,词汇和语法的正确性和准确性。只要作文中的错误不至于使内容表述出现误解,一些偶尔出现的语言错误,如单词拼写、单复数问题等,不会对作文成绩产生很大影响,当然,错误肯定是越少越好的。独立写作:1、 有效回应题目,阐明文章主题。2、 逻辑条理清楚,论证充分展开。3、 内容连贯一致,衔接自然流畅。4、 遣词造句地道,语言驾驭娴熟。
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