用英语写出瑞典的简介 其中包括 国名 地理 气候 面积 首都 人口 国家制度 官方语言 .
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人气:272 ℃ 时间:2020-02-04 07:46:27
瑞典王国位于北欧斯堪的纳维亚半岛的东南部,面积约45万平方千米,是北欧最大的国家.海岸线长7624千米.从1397年起是受丹麦控制的卡尔马联盟成员.1523年重获独立.在两次世界大战中都宣布中立.1950年5月9日同中国建交.瑞...in english please!The kingdom of Sweden is located in the northern Scandinavia Peninsula to the southeast, an area of about 450000 square kilometers, is the largest Nordic countries. The coastline of 7624kilometers. From 1397 onwards is controlled by Denmark in the Kalmar Union members. 1523to regain independence. In the two world war is declared neutrality. May 9, 1950established diplomatic relations with china. Sweden is highly developed in the advanced countries, enjoy a high standard of quality of life of national. Economic freedom and education make Sweden embarked on a rapid industrialization orbit, and from1890 time begin to develop manufacturing industry. In twentieth Century, Sweden has been formed as a welfare state. Today's Sweden was seen as more socially liberal and strongly egalitarian modern social welfare. In proportion to the population computation, Sweden is the world's most populous country of transnational company.
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