A bird in the hand is worth two birds in the bush.
A bird in the hand is worth two birds in the bush.Such a wise proverb for everybody to remind themselves not to be too greedy,for you may end up with nothing if you don't know when to call it a day.Many of you must have such experience of wishing for more but had got less in the end because of too greedy.
Sometimes what you have already got in your hands is worth twice or more than what you are hoping to get.Because things in your hand are real,and those you are hoping to have may not materialize.They are more or less just a dream or a hope.The chance of coming true is not 100% but things in your hands are definitely yours!
I have many bad experiences of disregarding this valuable advice and found myself ended up poorer.The most memorable mistakes I have often made were share dealings.A few times when I had bought a good share and had already making 10% or 20% of paper profits in a short time,but I was greedy and thinking of they may rise further,so did not take my profits until one day when the companies announced their trading results,which were not as good as expected,then the share prices were dropping like a stone and apart from those 10,20% of paper profits had been wiped out,I also found my original investments had lost half of their value!The problems was I still haven't learnt and never learnt.From time to time,I would made the same mistake again.That's probably why I can never get rich!...
语法应该没有问题,但若果你是学生的话,文章则可能不适合你.还是希望可以帮到你.恩 这个例子有点不适合我。想确定一点,不要建议啊,这是自己写的吗?出了这里有没有放到别的网页上啊?本人居在英国居住三47年,绝对是百分之一百本人的亲身经历,原汁原创。