What will our school be like in 20 years'time
人气:181 ℃ 时间:2019-10-17 13:33:56
如下:What will our school be like in 20 years` time?
Time always flies faster than anything,and the school`s sights will change in years as well.I think our school will be the more beautiful and cleaner than now.There will be many new equipments and classrooms and robots in 20 years.And the trees,flowers and grass will be here and there greeting to visiors with their amazing fragrance and fresh breath(到时都会遍布花草树木以其迷人芳香及新鲜气息问候着游客们).And teachers won`t have to stand all the time,instead,the robots will take the place of teaching,therefore,what teachers will have to do is to check out students` homework.Also,our school will own more and more libraries to make students read books better.
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