In the food safety and products crises that hit China in recent years,a small group of people have emerged in a curiously unattractive way:celebrities.They have been the source of a peculiar controversy after appearing in TV or print ads giving testimonials about how wonderful the product is.I think the celebrities should be responsible for the safety of the product which they stand for.
There are two reasons which contribute to this.Firstly,the celebrities can earn thousands of money through advertisements.But these unsafety food or products will do a lot of harm to our health.They may cause fatal diseases.For example,it was reported that the “San Lu” milk products had caused kidney stones in infants.Hence,if the celebrities help the manufacturers to make fake advertisement,they should be punished for their greedy.Secondly,celebrities are a group of people whose behaviors have effect on other people,especially their fans.It is supposed that the things they eat and use are the best ones.People believe in them,and will follow their direction to use the same products and eat the exact food as the advertisements show.Therefore,they should be punished if the things are unsafety because of their carelessness.
In short,I think the celebrities should take responsibility in the food safety and products crises.The government should make some laws to limit fake advertisements