They made a pact not to tell anyone?中的 not to tell anyone 做什么成分啊?是做pact 的同位语吗?
人气:473 ℃ 时间:2020-04-04 10:03:27
您是对的,这个是pact (协议)的同位语.
可以改成:they made a pact that they will tell it to nobody .
- you you they tell make can can friends stories and连词成句
- do,what,mustn't,they,people,make,to,tell,sign,a(.)
- 连词组句 1.tell,make,to,peple,a,must,what,sing,do,they(.)
- i make a promise not to tell anyone sels
- you,you,they,tell,make,can,can,friends,storise,and连词成句
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