在饭店吃饭比在家吃饭贵好多倍 用英语怎么说
人气:457 ℃ 时间:2019-10-09 08:40:05
Having meals at the restaurant is much more expensive than eating at home.谢谢你,你的回答太好了。还想再追问一下,如果是确切的3倍,又怎么说呢?是Having meals at the restaurant is three times than eating at home这样的么?感觉不太对不是的..is three times than 没有突出是价值还是什么..Having meals at the restaurant is three times as expensive as eating at home.或者 increase threefold或者increase by 300%都可以表示增长三倍的意思对的,太感谢了!就是后面两个的话,整个句子是Having meals increases three fold than eating at home? Having meals increases by 300% than eating at home?是这样子么?不好意思,又麻烦您了,我的这个比较级总是反应不过来The cost for having meals at the restaurant increases threefold than that at home? The cost for having meals at the restaurant is increases by 300% than that at home?这两个是说增长了三倍,要提出是价格增长了三倍
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