T:We are going to a three-day.What are you going to do,Mike?
M:I"m going to my grandpa in the countryside.
T:Where he live?
M:He lives in a small village near the Nice Lake.
T:What does he
M:He"s a farmer.
T:Are there cows ahd sheep his farm?
M:Yes.There are,And there are some pigs.
T:you often go and see your grandpa?
M:No,But sometimes he comes to see .
T:lives with your grandpa?M:My uncle and aunt.
T:Has your uncle got any M:Yes,he has two sons and a daughter.
T:please say to your grandpa family me ,M:I will,Thank you.
人气:493 ℃ 时间:2019-12-18 09:39:50
M:I"m going to (visit) my grandpa in the countryside.T:Where (does) he live?M:He lives in a small village near the Nice Lake.T:What does he (do) M:He"s a farmer.T:Are there (any) cows ahd sheep (on) ...We are going to a three-day.What are you going to do,Mike?We are going to (have) a three-day (leave / holiday).What are you going to do,Mike?后面还要补上leave 或 holiday
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