> 英语 >
我和我老师在讨论论文的题目,这是他给我的意见.我的论文topic是effective communication with customers.老师说这个题目太宽,让我把它定窄一点.最后一句话,老师是让我写具体行业的communication还是说写和谁来communication来缩小题目范围呢?
Yes this would be a good topic to explore. As you look at the research articles maybe try to find a bit more narrowing and focus--maybe concentrate upon a certain sector (retail companies for example) as the strategies will differ depending upon who they are seeking to communicate with.
人气:315 ℃ 时间:2020-04-08 13:45:10
the main focus of your question depends on who in the phrase 'the strategies will differ depending upon who they are seeking to communicate with. '
whom, indeed , is a more accurate description to 'who'.
in this phrase whom means the customers.
I can rephrase the sentence' maybe concentrate upon a certain sector (retail companies for example) as the strategies will differ depending upon who they are seeking to communicate with. ' into
'maybe concentrate more on a certain sector (retail companies for example) asthey may use different communcation strategies depending on the types of customers.
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