> 英语 >
1.My first is in paint and also in draw.2.My second is in peace but never in war.3.My third is in up but not in down.4.My fourth is in long but in short.5.My fifth is in dress but not in suit.6.My whole is the most delicious fruit.
人气:193 ℃ 时间:2020-05-10 06:47:21
my first is in paint and also in draw.也就是第一个字母是paint 和 draw共有的,当然是A.
my second is in peace bu never in war.是peace中的一个字母,但不是A.
my third is in up but not in down.u 或者 P.
my fourth is in long but not in short.是 L N G 中的一个.
my fifth is in dress but not in suit.是D R E 中的一个.
my whole is the most delicious fruit.是一种水果.
五个字母的水果,头字母是A…… apple.
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