Mary:Oh,you are wearing a beautiful dress!Helen:___________
A.Oh,thanks.I got it yesterday.
B.Sorry,it’s too cheap.
C.You can have it.
D.See you later.
22.Bob:Would you like a cigarette?Jason:No,thank you.I’ve given up smoking.Bob:_______
A.Ok.Go ahead and do it
B.All right.Take care.
C.Well,you don’t mind if I have one,do you?
D.Sorry,have another one then.
23.Ted:How are you,Bob?Bob:_____________.
A.How are you?
B.I’m fine.Thank you.
C.How do you do?
D.Nice to meet you.
24.Tony:Eric has decided to quit drinking.David:Again?______
A.It's a difficult decision to make.
B.Alcohol-addiction is dangerous.
C.I wonder how long it will last this time.
D.He's an alcohol addict.
25.Passer-by:____?Local resident:Yes,there’s one near the end of the street behind the church.
A.Hello,sir.Where’s the bus station
B.Excuse me,sir.How can I find the way to the police station
C.Excuse me.Is there a parking lot anywhere around here
D.Which building is the Department of Immigration,please
人气:447 ℃ 时间:2020-07-12 03:59:16
- 改为同义句
- 别担心,我会很快和你联系的(翻译) don't worry ,i'll __ __ __ you soon
- 用括号内的动词适在空白处用适当形式填空
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- 把一个底面半径5cm,高是20cm的圆柱截成两个同样大小的圆柱,截得的两个小圆柱的体积之和,表面积之和与截
- 人的眼睛可以看到多远的景物
- (x-y)(x-2y)-6y^2 因式分解
- (1)6分之5一6分之1=.(2)10分之3十5分之1=.(3)5分之1一8分之1十5分之4=.(4)5分之4一(4分之1十5分之2)=.