On May 6,when rocket when host factory defeat for knight,the rocketcan not but 3rd time halt the season match in 4 years first turnThereupon the people no longer blame YAO and TRACU,but is more aimsthe spear point Jeff Van Gundy.More and more many people start under the discussion seasonJeff whether also does have the possibility to stay in the rocketteam,but also some who will be able to replace him In my opinion JEFF is a good person,also is a good training,butperhaps is not suits the rocket the training Name:Fan 甘迪 (Jeff Van Gundy) Nationality:US Birthday:On January 19,1962 Incumbent:Rocket team head coach Honor:Two NBA second place NBA teaches the experience:11 years Fan 甘迪 hits in the player time has controlled the ballfullback,but all has not participated the competition in NBA.1989-90 season,Fan 甘迪 starts to take the post of 尼克斯 theteam assistant to train.1995-96 season,尼克斯 team then HeadCoach Lao Nielsen because the combat success is fried the squid,afterFan 甘迪 passes through for 6 years half disciplined is finallypromoted in March,1996 on the first line,became 尼克斯 in theteam history 18th head coach.2001-2002 season,Fan 甘迪 because oftwists not the good pressure oversized but to propose the resignationin December,2001.Latter holds the post of the NBA commentator in theAmerican TNT television station.
Is holding the post of assistant period of training,the Fan 甘迪assistance god operator handkerchief especially - 莱利 (presentlyfriendly team head coach) led 尼克斯 the team in 1994 to kill intoNBA always to play in the finals,passes through seven struggles hardby 3-4 to have by the same year aurar Zhu Wang the rocket team todefeat,occupies the second place.After Fan 甘迪 becomes 尼克斯 team head coach,led Ewing andArlan - the Hueston time 尼克斯 the team walks the most crest,1998-1999 season was he leads 尼克斯 a team most magnificentseason,at that time they a eighth status group overcame onedifficulty after another by the regular season east,bravely seizedthe same year the eastern part champion,killed into the final totalfinals,has inconceivable created inconceivable "the black eightmyths".What a pity always is playing in the finals they by 1-4 todefeat by the San Antonio spurs team,only can occupy the second placeonce more.2000-2001 season,Fan 甘迪 leads 尼克斯 the team to continue thegood condition,has obtained 60% victory rate,places in 尼克斯team's history fourth.But 2001-2002 season 尼克斯 team starts thelandslide,Fan 甘迪 is unable to withstand the heavy burden in everyway under the pressure,has to propose the resignation on owninitiative,temporarily leaves the NBA first line,changes works astelevision commentator.In 尼克斯 team's seven seasons,Fan 甘迪 altogether led the teamto obtain 248 wins 172 defeats combat successes,was 尼克斯 in theteam history wins 3rd many head coaches.甘迪 teaches 尼克斯 inteam's first 6 seasons in Fan,尼克斯 the team all killed into theplayoff,in the playoff combat success was 37 wins 32 defeats.In 2003,the rocket team rightful owners train Tom Jia 诺维 to bewonderful because the bodily reason to be compelled to leave positionof the rocket team head coach,the rocket team pass through the nearlytwo month-long choices,finally determined Fan 甘迪 for Tom the Jia诺维 wonderful successor,Fan 甘迪 after passes through the longtime consideration also to agree with the alliance rocket team on June10 2003-2004 season,Fan 甘迪 leads when the rocket team separates forfive years reto kill into the playoff,what a pity first turn of notenemy lake person team.2004-2005 season,Fan 甘迪 leads the rocket team to kill into theplayoff once again,first in the middle of turn 4:3 turns defeat intovictory in 2:0 leading situation by the calf team 2006-2007 season,the rocket obtained in for 10 year best result 52wins 30 defeats for,4 years third time 5th to enter the playoff underthe Fan 甘迪 leadership by the west,what a pity 3:4 defeated inknight under,still pours in first turn 甘迪 advises in Fan in the middle of 11 seasons,altogether leadsthe team to obtain 430 wins 318 defeats the combat successes,theseason match combat success is 44 wins 44 defeats But next season,Fan 甘迪 whether also can appear in the rocket ornearby other some team's field directs the competition?