The Sandreckoner is a remarkable work in which Archimedes proposes a number system capable of expressing numbers up to 8 1063in modern notation.He argues in this work that this number is large enough to count the number of grains of sand which could be fitted into the universe.There are also important historical remarks in this work,for Archimedes has to give the dimensions of the universe to be able to count the number of grains of sand which it could contain.He states that Aristarchus has proposed a system with the sun at the centre and the planets,including the Earth,revolving round it.In quoting results on the dimensions he states results due to Eudoxus,Phidias (his father),and to Aristarchus.There are other sources which mention Archimedes' work on distances to the heavenly bodies.For example in [59] Osborne reconstructs and discusses:-
...a theory of the distances of the heavenly bodies ascribed to Archimedes,but the corrupt state of the numerals in the sole surviving manuscript [due to Hippolytus of Rome,about 220 AD] means that the material is difficult to handle.
从这段外国文献资料来看,阿基米德应该已经初步察觉到宇宙是一个system,并且有heavenly bodies的意识,虽然他并没有遗留下手稿,而他所指出的Earth并不指地球,但大概是陆地的意思.我认为阿基米德是想表达的Earth是指人类生存的大陆而不一定是地球这个球体.