> 英语 >
Thereexist clear _________ (culture) differences between the two countries.More and more _________ (history) relics have been unearthed in recent years.Due to the global economic crisis,________(finance) markets have been greatlyaffected.The scientist was honored because of his _________ (achieve) in science.The _________ (produce) of cars in the fac-tory has doubled in the last twomonths.I’m _________ (delight) to see that you have made great progress in your study.
就是用适当形式填空——————每个句号为一句,每句都没有关系的,我忘记换行了- -
人气:310 ℃ 时间:2020-05-20 20:36:21
There exist clear cultural (culture) differences between the twocountries.More and more historic_ (history) relics have beenunearthed in recent years.Due to the globaleconomic crisis,_ financial_(fina...
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