develop drugs
你没看错,就是develop,我研究了好久的~可以用invent吗最好不要用吧,没见过这种用法……牛津高阶关于invent的解释如下: 1.make or design (sth that did not exist before); create by thought 发明; 创造: Laszlo Biro invented the ball-point pen. 拉斯洛?拜罗发明了圆珠笔. Cf 参看 discover 1.2.(often derog 常作贬义) make up or think of (esp sth that does not exist or is not true) 虚构; 捏造; 胡编: Use an invented name, such as Anytown, not a real one. 瞎编个名字吧, 比方叫‘A城’吧, 别用真名. * Can't you invent a better excuse than that? 你就不能编造一个高明些的藉口吗?invent取“发明”之意时,宾语好像都是工具啊什么的,中文里面也没有说发明药品的吧~用develop是没错的啦!