"...(a man) will be more likely to prevail if he can interest (his brethren's )
self-love in his favour and show them that it is for their own advantage to do
for him what he requires of them...It is not from the benevolence of the butcher,
the brewer,or the baker that we can expect our dinner,but from their regard to
their own interest." --Adam Smith
人气:369 ℃ 时间:2020-05-10 01:16:48
"...(一个人) 如果他能以他的亲切来引起(他的同胞)对利己主义的注意,并且让他们知道,他这样要求他们,对他们自己而言是有益的,那他将更有可能成功……它不是来自于屠夫的善行,啤酒制造者或我们能期待我们的晚餐的面包师傅,但而是来自他们对自己利益的关心.——亚当 史密斯
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