Light music is a simply form to express the music.They can make the romantic environment so that we can feel relax.These musics don’t express some heavy things or serious thing.They just let us enjoy them.
Most of light musics are American musics or English musics.Light music came of England after The First World War.It has reach a top since twenty centuries.However,little by little,New Centuries Music insteaded of light music.But many people like the easy music all the same.
Bandari’s music is a team belongs to Helvetic music company.Bandari’s music is so famous that many people copy their music.
Their music can make people feel the cleanest and the most quitest.The team writes musics always on the mountain or in the forest.These musics haven’t heaviness and haven’t seriousness.
人气:232 ℃ 时间:2019-08-21 03:12:28
第一段:simply-----simple express the music-------express music make the romantic environment------make a romantic environment realx-----relaxed musics-------music some-------any thing-----things第二...
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