写一篇英文文章,主要写是有关职业的,我写了一篇,但不够长,想添加多点!要演讲的,About work
My name is yezenghua,I will graduate,Now I have to say the topic is job,As we all know,this year is difficult to find a job,But as long as we try to go we can still find a lot of work
For example,you can be a Car salesman,You have to know your product,When you face the customers should be smiling and introducing your product.Of course,you have to keep learning every day because there will be more new products.However,if you are an actor,You have a very rich facial expressions,According to the actor's role should change their role.maybe you are a Computer engineer,You have to know a lot of computer knowledge,My dream is to do in a company staff.in the company i have to wear same clothes and Go to work every day on time,in work time I can not chat with others,When we have to work seriously and realistic,But I can get valuable experience and I can promotion,I will do my best to work and create my life.
人气:239 ℃ 时间:2020-05-20 19:15:36
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