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请翻译Someone said that there was a really good documentary on television last nig
A: Someone said that there was a really good documentary on television last night about bald eagles. I wish I’d seen it, since that’s what we are studying in my ornithology class.
B: I’m sorry. If I had known your were interested in that sort of things, I would’ve told
you when it was going to be on.
人气:202 ℃ 时间:2019-12-03 09:21:04
A: Someone said that there was a really good documentary on television last night about bald eagles.
I wish I’d seen it, since that’s what we are studying in my ornithology class.
我本打算看来的,因为那正是我鸟类学领域所研究的.B: I’m sorry. If I had known your were interested in that sort of things, I would’ve toldyou when it was going to be on.
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