> 英语 >
1.Men and women leave the village before sunrise to hike four miles up steep,precarious trails to the forests,to be returning by late afternoon with 70-pound loads of firewood on their backs.
答案说应该将“forests,to be returning by late afternoon”改为“forests and return by late afternoon”,为什么呢?我觉得应该在forests后面加一个逗号,改为“forests ,and return by late afternoon”,因为认为“precarious trails to the forests”是作“four miles up steep”的同位语,
还有为什么将“forests,to be returning by late afternoon”改为“forests,and it is late afternoon that they return”不对呢?
3.Buffalo herd,which once thrived in the Great Plains of North America,trampled vegetation,but this aided future plant growth and nutrients were returned.
答案说应该将“but this aided future plant growth and nutrients were returned.”改为“thereby aiding future plant growth by returning nutrients.”为什么呢?
3.In the novel,Jane Eyre must make difficult choices,like when she foreces herself to leave the house of Mr.Rochester,the married man she love.
答案说将“like when she foreces”改为“including forcing”,可是根据语法“Subject+ Verb+ Object ,doing” 中的“doing”应该修饰主语subject“Jane Eyre”,而“subject +verb+object doing”中的doing才修饰宾语object“choices”,逗号的有无原因,所以我觉得应该去掉“choices”后面的逗号,请问为什么不对呢?
可以讲讲在举例时like,such as 和for example的区别吗?
4.Nicknamed the supergrain of the future,quinoa is a complete protein,one that contains all the necessary amino acids and is high in fiber.
人气:418 ℃ 时间:2020-02-05 23:58:42
1 中 steep,precarious trails to the forests,是一个整体,意思是陡峭的,不安全的到达森林的路,因为两个形容词中间逗号格开,不存在你说的同谓语呀这句话leave 和return并列,中间用and 连接,很平行,其它形式都不好了2...
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