寻和The end of the world一样经典的歌曲~
是Vonda Shepard唱的 60年代那时候的歌曲···
我觉得很好听··· 大家推荐下类似的···
希望听过这首歌的人才推荐 别乱来~呵呵!
why does the sun go on shining
why does the sea rush to shore
don't they know it's the end of the world
cause you don't love me anymore
why do the birds go on singing
why do the stars glow above
don't they know it's the end of the world
it ended when i lost your love
i wake up in the morning and i wonder
why everything's the same as it was
i can't understand
no,i can't understand
how life goes on the way it does
why does my heart go on beating
why do these eyes of mine cry
don't they know it's the end of the world
it ended when you said goodbye
i wake up in the morning and i wonder
why everything's the same as it was
i can't understand
no,i can't understand
how life goes on the way it does
why does my heart go on beating
why do these eyes of mine cry
don't they know it's the end of the world
it ended when you said goodbye
人气:146 ℃ 时间:2020-03-30 11:55:45
EdelweissEdelweiss,edelweiss,Every morning you greet me.Small and white,Clean and bright,You look happy to meet me.Blossom of snow,May you bloom and grow,Bloom and grow forever.Edelweiss,edelweiss,Ble...
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