"Ordinary"was the worst my mother could find for j anything .I remember her taking me shopping and taking no notice of the shop assistants when they suggested that some dress or a pair of shoes was very popular-"we've sold fifty already this weak."That was all she needed to hear ."No",she would say,"We're not interested in that.Haven't you got something a little more unusual?"And then the assistant would bring out all the strange colors no one else would buy.And later she and I would argue because I wanted to be ordinary but my mother wanted to be unusual."I can't stand that hairdo"she say,when I went to the hairdresser with my friend and came back with a boy haircut,"It's so terribly ordinary.Not ugly,not unsuitable,but ordinary.""Couldn't you please wear something else?"I asked one day when she was dressing for parent's Day in tight-fitting bullfighter's pants and a bright pink sweater."What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"What wasn't wrong with it!"It's just that I wish you'd wear something ordinary,"I said ,"something that people won't laugh at."She looked at me angrily and then said,"Are you a-shamed of your own mother?If you are,Isadora,I feel sorry for you.I really do."
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人气:431 ℃ 时间:2019-10-11 12:57:54
"普通"是我的母亲能为j 找到的最坏的(不通~原句有错?).我记得一次她带我去购物并且没注意那些店员--当他们建议那件一些服装或者一双鞋是很受大众欢迎的时候."我们这一周卖了55双."这就是她所需要知道的."不",她说,"...
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