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Things I hate to do 英语演讲稿
人气:325 ℃ 时间:2019-12-19 23:05:11
Hi everyone,I'm sure everyone has something she or he hates to do, and today i am going to talk about the things i hate to do.
The first thing on the list: i really hate giving speeches. Whenever i stand in front of the audiences, i feel nervous and thus often stutter and stumble on my words when speaking. I really hate the thought of making a fool of myself in front of so many people.
I hate giving speeches, but i hate writing a speech even more. I thought for a really long time last night to come up with this speech that i am giving now. I'm really bad at writing speeches, I just do not know how to start them, and it is really difficult to make speeches entertaining so that the audience do not fall asleep while listening to you. It's a really difficult chore to do. I will always get stuck halfway through writing my speech because iwould run out of ideas to fill up the content of the speech.
The above two things that i have mentioned are the things that i really hate to do. And i have done them, both, in one night. This is why now i am able to stand in front of you and deliver to you this speech. What do you think of it?
With this, i have come to the end of my speech. Thank you very much.
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