The new building over there is our library(对our library提问)
( )( )that new building over there?
人气:497 ℃ 时间:2019-09-27 15:56:32
The new building over there is our library(对our library提问)
(What )(is )that new building over there?
(那边那栋新楼是什么?)what是错的,我填了没错,就是what了。请你想想,疑问词when(何时), where(何地), how(怎样), who(谁), whose(谁的), why(为何),有哪个能指代our library?一个都不可能!
- That new building over there is our library 对划线部分提问(our library)
- the building over there is a school ,()is our library
- over,building,library,our,is,the,there,school(.)连词成句
- The building ___(build) over there will be our library.
- The building over there is a library,_____is our the east of it 还是east of it 请说理由
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