Most of leaves fell dowm the ground,only a few r___ on the tree
人气:212 ℃ 时间:2020-05-11 03:27:22
Most of leaves fell dowm the ground,only a few 【remain】 on the tree
- The leaves of the tree have fell onto the ground already 哪里有错
- the ground is covered with fallen leaves 能否改为 fell
- As soon as the wind blew on the little tree ,all of the shining leaves fell to the ground.这句话怎
- 英语翻译
- In autumn the leaves of most trees turn y--填啥---
- 已知a是函数f(x)=2^x -log1/2 x的零点,若0<x0<a,则f(0)的值满足
- 条形磁铁中部垂直套有A,B两个圆环,(A环大于B环)为什么穿过B环的磁通量较大?
- 一项工程,甲独做要10天完成,乙独做要15天完成,丙独做要20天完成,现三人合作,甲中途因病休息了几天,