1.你应该注意你站和坐的方式(The way) 2.长城给他们留下了深刻的印象(lack of ,signal) 3.经理叫他的秘书提醒他下周参加一个重要会议(remind) 4.为了更好地与同事们交流,王先生决定改进它说话的方式(improve) 5.全国各地的人们毫不犹豫地想地震受害者伸出援手(without hesitation,earthquake victims) 6.疯狂英语不仅是一本英语杂志,它还能给我们许多文化方面的知识.
人气:110 ℃ 时间:2019-10-29 19:49:26
1.You should pay attention to the way you stand and sit.2.lack of 是缺乏,有问题吧这个题.3.The manager let his secretary remind him of attending an important meeting next week.4.In order to communicate with colleagues,Mr.wang decide to improve the way it speaks.5.People all over the country want to give a hand to the earthquake victims without hesitation.6.Crazy English is not only a English magzine but also brings us a lot of knoeledge about culture.可以吗?还有什麽不明白吗?
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