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回答几个英语问题,1.What is GNP per capital?How is it calculated?
2.Why would one prefer to live in a country to with a high GDP per capita?
3.What do countries with high GDP or GNP per capita have in common?
人气:355 ℃ 时间:2020-03-21 19:46:51
1.GNP means Gross national product per capita is the dollar value of a country's final output of goods and services in a year,decided by its population.It reflects the average income of a country's citizens.谢谢啊!还有两个问题呢?第二个:Because GNP per capital does no show what kinds of goods and services the country produces, whether al people share equally in the wealth of a country or whether these people lead fulfilling lives. 第三个:Both of them are well developed and rich countries, which produces a lot of things.
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