> 英语 >
1.I wear a ( ) uniform when I work.I help doctors to look ( )patients(病人).Sometimes I work ( )the day and sometimes ( ) ( ).
*What do I do?( )
*Where do I work ( )
2.My work is sind( )dangerous( )very exciting.I wear ( ),too like me,( )thieves( )like me.
*What do I do?( )
*Where da I work ( )
3.I work with( ).I help them know many things.I usually work ( )Monday( )Firday.I often write ( )a big blackboard.Sometimes I use a computer to help childen to know more things.And I can travel(旅游)on winter or( )vacation.
*What do I do?( )
*Where da I work ( )
4.I( )very busy every day.Sometimes I meet interesting people and ( )them questions I( )stories on my laptop computer(手提电脑).
*What do I do?( )
*Where da I work ( )
人气:326 ℃ 时间:2020-05-15 18:01:10
1 white 不确定 in at night nurse hospital 2 of and uniform but don not police police station 3 chilren at to (其余我再想想)
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