结论:希望禁烟那你重新修改下= =我改就等于帮你重新写了……
《Smoking should be banned in all public areas》
I strongly agreed that smoking should be banned in public areas. Here are my reasons.
First of all, smoking is a waste of money, and harm to our health. people with asthma will have a bigger chance to get worse if they are frequently exposed to second hand smoke.
Also, smoking people aremore likely to suffer from heart-related illnesses, which is verified by many scientific evidence now.
Secondly, long term smokers often have stink breath. No one likes stink people. For example, most of the friends I know do not like to be friends with people who always has a cigarette on the mouth. Everytime I walk by smoking people, I could always smell his bad breath, which is really annoying.
So I wish smoking could be banned in the public and we can live in a free-second-hand-smoke world.