要口语化 不要太机械 太俗 【不要中式英语】.
中午好,今天一大早我带微笑来到北京,这里比我想象的还要热,不过不要紧 ,这不会影响我的好心情.I'm happy to be here today to introduce myself.
我叫XXX,今年20岁,毕业于铁路运输学校(Railway Transportation School),在校期间,我认为表现还不错,曾经在班里担任过班长.我唯一的喜欢的科目就是英语,尽管现在不怎么样,我还在学习中,并且计划在1年时间内获得雅思6分以上成绩.
麻烦不要用翻译器翻译,英语中不要带有中式味道.如果有更好的说法 帮我改进一下
人气:488 ℃ 时间:2020-05-20 07:22:46
Good afternoon, everyone examiners. Today early in the morning with a smile I came to Beijing, here is even hotter than I thought, but it doesn't matter, it will not affect my good mood. I 'm happy to be here today to introduce myself.
My name is XXX, 20 years old, graduated from the School of Railway Transportation, Railway Transportation School), during the period of School, I think the performance is good, once served as a monitor in the class. My only favorite subject is English, though it is not so good, I also in learning, and plan in 1 year time to obtain ielts scores six points above.
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