the man went out ,the dog following
那么这句话 也可以是吗
he getting those things
人气:431 ℃ 时间:2020-05-28 19:41:16
不可以,he getting those things不是一句完整的话前面那句是完整的话:(主语the man) (谓语went out) ,(状语the dog following)其中the dog following是独立主格,因为其主语是the dog,和全句的主语the man不一致,所...如果这样呢he getting those things is my father 这样呢不是这样乱用的。其实使用独立主格有点像两个分开的简单句,只不过因为要并成一个句子,所以在保留其中一个原貌的基础上,将另一句稍微变化成为独立主格。比如你题中的例句:(简单句1:the man went out)+(简单句2:the dog is following)= the man went out, the dog following不管是he getting those things还是he getting those things is my father,里面根本没有两个主语,只有一个主语he,为什么要跟独立主格扯上关系呢?直接说 he got those things或者 he who got those things is my father就对了,前一句是简单句,后一句是带定语从句的复合句。
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