I did my homework.We went boating.She went to a farm.She went with her classmates.Becky cisite
I did my homework.
We went boating.
She went to a farm
She went with her classmates.
Becky cisited her grandma.分别变成四个时态的句子.
人气:454 ℃ 时间:2019-08-21 03:04:56
I do my homework
I am doing my homework
I will do my homework
we go boating
We are going boating
We will go boating
she goes to a farm
She is going to a farm
She will go to a farm
she goes with her classmates
She is going with her classmates
She will go with her classmates
Becky visits her grandma
Becky is visiting her grandma
Becky will visit her grandma
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