In this era,number of people are increasing who believe learn new skills and knowledge can directly help him that have a chance of work and promote of chance.
人气:102 ℃ 时间:2019-10-11 03:23:19
首先In this era是中式英语,应该换成Nowadaysnumber of people are increasing who believe learn new skills and knowledge can directly help him that have a chance of work and promote of chance.这句话想要表...你解释的increasing ... 好像是不是漏了?我并没有翻译你的句子啊,只是帮你分析一下呵呵呵呵,那可不可以这样?the increasing number of people who believe that learning new skills and knowledges can directly help them to get more chance of work and promotions.这个地方的increasing 位置对吗?还有,‘得到’ 我用的get 行吗?可以的
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