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人气:217 ℃ 时间:2020-04-25 21:58:27
中文:在我们每个人的心中,都曾经有过类似关爱别人这样的经历.例如给希望小学捐款、捐书啦,在公交车上给老人、孕妇、小朋友、残疾人让座啦,同学或者朋友住院了,常常去看望他们啦,这都是包含着爱心的行为.而这种爱心,在每个人的心里都有.而我,就是在这颗爱心的促使下,到一所敬老院去看望老人. 在上个学期,我们和十几个好朋友拟定了一个“到敬老院看望老人”的计划,时间定在星期天.到了盼望已久的星期天,我们带着已经准备好送给老人的水果、点心以及准备送给老人的礼物,就带着满怀的热忱出发了. 当我们到达敬老院时,已经是两点半了,为了不打搅老人们的休息时间,我们只好顶着烈日,在敬老院门口等了半个多小时,也就是三点多,老人们睡醒了,我们才轻手轻脚地从大门进去了. 当我们跨进敬老院的大厅时,老爷爷、老奶奶们已经在大厅里等候着我们了.他们早知道我们今天要来看望他们,所以早早地就兴高采烈地在大厅里等着我们的光临.当我们看见这些老爷爷、老奶奶时,有的比较健康,可是有的却还有疾病、有残疾,我一看到这个情景,心里就一阵酸.我们纷纷把准备好的水果、点心和礼物拿出来,送到每个爷爷、奶奶手里.看到他们拿到礼物乐呵呵的样子,我们也非常开心. 接下来就到表演节目的时间了,我们每个人轮流表演了小品、相声、唱歌、朗诵等节目,敬老院里的爷爷奶奶们看了我们的节目,乐开了怀.他们不但一边看一边笑,而且几个平时不爱说话的老爷爷也开始来劲了,他们拿着麦克风,唱起了有浓郁民族气息的家乡歌、地方歌,虽然我们听不懂,但还是可以看出他们很高兴,很快乐. 我们还分了组和每个老人谈心,我和曾威分一组,和一个八十八岁的老奶奶谈心.从和她的谈话中,我们了解到,她的儿子现在在外地,没有时间来陪她,又不放心她,只好把这位老奶奶放到敬老院里来.而且我们还了解到,这位老奶奶和曾威竟然是同乡、同村的老乡!知道这是来自家乡的朋友,老奶奶更是热泪盈眶.我看到她那感动的表情,自己也有点感动了. 我们逐个探望完躺在病房里的老人,已经快到五点了,我们也该回家了.虽然有点疲劳,但听到敬老院里的阿姨们说老人们已经很久没有这么高兴过了,是我们使老爷爷、老奶奶们这么高兴的.我们再怎么疲劳、怎么辛苦,也觉得是应该的. 在这次爱心行动中,我深深地体会到关爱的力量是那么的伟大,它既可以使老人们感到快乐,同时也可以让自己感到快乐.他能给老人家带出一份关爱,使他们感到有人关心他们,更重要的是能让他们感到温暖,舒适和爱心.
英文:n the heart of each one of us, had a similar love others such experience. For example, to the hope primary school donation, donating books, on the bus to the elderly, pregnant women, children, the disabled seat, classmates or friends, the hospital, often to see them, it is contains caring behavior. And this kind of love, in the heart of everybody all have. And I, is in the heart to, to a home for the elderly to visit the old man. In the last semester, we and several friends formed a" to homes for the elderly to see the old man" plan, scheduled for Sunday. To look forward to long already Sunday, we took a ready for old fruit, snacks and prepares to give the gift for the elderly, with full of enthusiasm start. When we arrived home, it was two thirty, in order not to disturb the old people to the rest of the time, we had to the scorching sun, in homes for the elderly at the door waiting for more than half an hour, or three, old people wake up, we cautiously without any noise from the gate. When we got home hall, Grandpa, grandma have in the hall waiting for us. They knew we were coming to see them today, so early to be jubilant to waited in the hall we visit. When we see the old grandpa, grandma, some quite healthy, but some have disease, disability, I saw this scene, my heart was acid. We have prepared fruit, dessert and presents out, Grandpa, grandma hand delivered to each. See them get gift happy self, we are also very happy. Next to show time, we each take turns performing skits, cross talk, sing, recite such programs, nursing home of grandparents who watch our show, opened Le wye. They not only laughed, but several usually don't love talking grandfather also started talking, they hold the microphone, sang a strong ethnic flavor hometown song, local song, although we do not understand, but still can see they are very happy, very happy. We also divided the group and each man to talk, I and Zeng Wei a group, and a eighty-eight year old grandmother talk. From her conversation, we understand, her son is now in the field, there is no time to accompany her, and do not trust her, put the old granny in the nursing home. And we also know that, the old grandma and Zeng Wei was fellow villagers, village! Know it's friends from home, grandma is tears. I saw her moving expression, you have touched. We each visiting lying in the ward for the elderly, is close to the five point, we also should go home. Although a bit tired, but hear the nursing home aunts that old people have a long time not so happy, we make the grandfather, grandmother who is so happy. We cannot fatigue, how hard, also think is should. In this action, I deeply feel the power of love is so great, it can make old people feel happy, also can make one happy. He can give people bring out a love, make them feel cared for them, more important is to let them feel the warmth, comfort and love.
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