1、this is和that is在电话中说的中文意思是什么? 2、I have sth to do.、 I a lot things to do .、 I nothing to 3、down there意思? 4、Is Uncle Joe there?与May I speak to···?意思一样吗?如果不一样,
人气:160 ℃ 时间:2020-06-03 08:35:55
1.在电话中的意思是“我是谁谁谁”“你是谁谁谁吗” 2.I have sth to do我有些事情要做.I have a lot of things to do我有许多事情要做.I have nothing to do我没事干 3.在那儿(在下面);去那里 4.Is Uncle Joe there意思是“Joe叔叔在那里吗?”不能作“让Joe叔叔接电话”之意. May I speak to ...是标准的电话口语