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在英国,最典型的路边小吃就是“炸鱼和薯条(Fish & Chips)”了.路边经常有很多小店都买“炸鱼和薯条”.这里的薯条称其为薯条,不如称其为“薯棍”,因为它不像我们原来吃的薯条那么细,而是每一根都特别的粗.在英国的路上行走,无论什么时间,都经常可以看到人们手捧一个纸包,里面是浇了番茄酱或者芝士调料的薯条和一大块煎鱼.其实最有意思的就是这种鱼和薯条的包装了,尤其是在路上吃的时候,它们不是装在盘子里,而是用报纸包起来.听说在英国,最早选用包薯条的报纸一定是当天的泰晤士报,这样就可以一边吃着炸鱼一边看报纸了.当然,现在的薯条早已经改用干净的白纸或者纸盒装.由于“炸鱼和薯条”新鲜美味,热气腾腾,又方便快捷,几百年来,“炸鱼和薯条”就在英国成为雅俗共赏,老少皆宜的一道美食了.不过,有的英国人把他们当作一顿饭,而有些人就只是把薯条当作餐前小点和零食.
人气:420 ℃ 时间:2020-03-19 08:37:10
british love potatoes as their food.they often eat it as staple food rather than bread.there are only one or two kinds of potato in china,but in britain there are ten or more kinds:small,large,yellow and white.they are very cheap.in britain,there are many ways to cook potato,but only few ways are popular.
the most popular one is fish&chips down the street in many store.in fact,the chips are thick like bar.when you walk on street at anytime,you can always see many people hand a bag make of paper.fish&chips which with tomato sauce or cheese something is in the bag.the most interesting thing is the bag.its made of paper which news of today.so in this way,you can eat your food with newspaper.of course,they use case or plain paper today.because fish&chips is delicious,hot and convenient,after hundred years,it becomes the most popular food for everyone.by the way,some people treat fish&chips as their meal,others just have it like starter or snack.
if some one can translate it well,i'll preciate.
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