> 英语 >
people always asked me what’s the change after being an artist compared to being an unknown student before..I always think..certainly there are things changed in regards to what I do who I meet and where I go to as I am carrying on my career in the way which is totally different from what I did before..however in some way there is nothing changed.To people who I’ve been knowing for long like family and friends,I am still the same,the same normal,the same funny,the same frank and helpful to friends(ye I am talking loud,I might not sing well I might not look good but dam I AM always a good friend!) and still familiar with those jokes we had,the happiness we used to share,and the time we relied on each other to conquer difficulties in our lives..
人气:140 ℃ 时间:2020-06-13 11:43:43
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