sth request to be done=sth request doing
有这样的主动表被动吗?类似于need to be done=need doing
人气:299 ℃ 时间:2020-06-23 22:09:06
sth requests to be done=sth requests doing
这种“非常规”句型看似语法不对,但是有的,不过一般不用 requests ,
比较常见的动词是 begs 或 needs :
What begs to be done is immediate humanitarian work to relieve human sufferings after the disastrous earthquake.
This is a project that begs doing.It should not be discarded as frivolous.
我想你从上面例句可以看到,以 needs 替代 begs 是可以的.
- request doing和request to do的区别
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