1:双方都声称,他们是为维护美国的传统价值观而战.Both parties claim that they have fought for American traditional values. both parties指双方
2:一旦人们习惯了免费获取信息,再说服他们付钱就很困难了.Once people are accustomed to receiving free information, it will be difficult to convince them to pay.
3:管理部门不可能根据你的假设做最终决定.The management department can not make a decision based on your assumptions.
Established 50 years ago, this school was named after a Civic Movements leader.
5:我们需要的是一些创造力以及大量的时间和练习.We need some creativity along with an ample amount of time and practice. ample是大量的, 形容词.