1.Why is nine afraid of seven
2.What kind of ship never sinks?
3.What kind of dog would a person bite
4.What'sthe end of everything?
5.What goes up when the rain come down?
6.What has teeth but doesn't bite?
7.What is white when it is dirty?
8.What never asks questions ,but gets a lot of answers?
9.What nail should you never hit with a hammer?
人气:351 ℃ 时间:2019-12-25 12:38:46
1.seven eight(ate) nine ate是吃eat的过去式2.friendship友谊3.hotdog热狗4.g everything的末尾肯定是G5.umbrella雨伞6.blueteeth 蓝牙comb梳子7.blackboard黑板8.phone a...
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