> 其他 >
今天我将要为你介绍我的偶像 他的名字叫张翰,为了让你更清楚的明白我的描述,我将我的演讲分为了五部分 第一部分是他的自我介绍,第二部分是他给我的印象,第三部分是他的个人努力,最后是我从他身上学到的精神.
人气:437 ℃ 时间:2020-06-24 18:59:26
O(∩_∩)O~ 希望我的回答能对你有所帮助哦
Today I will introduce you my worship,his name is ZhangHan,inorder to make you understangding my introduction clearly,I will divide my speech into five parts.The first part is the introduction of himself,the second part is the impression that he left on me,the third part is the trying of his own,the last part is the spirit that I laernt from him.
He is not only an actor but also a singer,his voice is perfect,he is a outgoing boy in life, he likes swimming,dancing and so on.The drama he acted"To see the falling stars rain" left me the impression that handsome,brave,not proud.he is called "smalling prince".he is an usual one himself,but because of his trying and rushing,he wom his own place in acting circle.his success made me know the place of your own situation will be here,no matter how difficult the situation is!
(⊙o⊙)… 终于打完了,很辛苦的!
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