> 英语 >
While I was waiting,I looked around to see if I knew 36 in the restaurant.三道完型 讲原因
While I was waiting,I looked around to see if I knew 36 in the restaurant.
36.A.someone B.anyone C.everyone D.no one
The man had a newspaper 38 in front of him.
38.A.open B.closed C.opened D.close
After a few minutes he came out again,41 for his meal and left.
41.A.paid B.paying C.spent D.spending
One evening,I felt hungry and I was not far from a favorite restaurant of mine,where I often went to eat once or twice a week.
I went into the restaurant,which was already crowded,and ordered my meal.While I was waiting,I looked around to see if I knew 36 in the restaurant.Then I saw a man at a corner table near the door 37 looking in my direction,as if he knew me.I certainly didn’t know him.The man had a newspaper 38 in front of him.But I could see that he was keeping an eye on me.When the waiter brought my soup,the man was quickly puzzled(迷惑) by the familiar(熟悉) way that the waiter and I called each other.He became even more puzzled as 39 went on.He could see that I was well 40 in the restaurant.At last,he got up and went into the kitchen.After a few minutes he came out again,41 for his meal and left.
When I had finished,I called the owner of the restaurant and asked him __42 the man had wanted.The owner told me he was a detective.“Really?” I was 43 .“He was certainly interested in me,but why?” I asked.“He followed you because he thought you were a man he was looking __44 ,” the owner said.“When he came into the kitchen,he showed me a photo of the man.He certainly looked like you!Of course,since we’ve known you,I told him that he had made a mistake.” It was 45 I knew the owner well,or I might have been arrested!
36.A.someone B.anyone C.everyone D.no one
37.A.keep B.keeps C.keeping D.to keep
38.A.open B.closed C.opened D.close
39.A.program B.story C.time D.news
40.A.know B.knew C.known D.knowing
41.A.paid B.paying C.spent D.spending
42.A.that B.what C.when D.which
43.A.worried B.surprised C.worrying D.surprising
44.A.around B.like C.at D.for
45.A.bad B.good C.lucky D.best
人气:101 ℃ 时间:2020-02-06 02:05:58
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