求英语作文初一级别:介绍家人(现在进行时) 我的一天(过去式) 事后必重谢
人气:111 ℃ 时间:2019-08-19 01:08:45
① I live with my family.Now,my mother is cooking in the kitchen.My father is reading newspapers on the sofa.And my grandma is watching TV in the sitting room .My grangpa is watering the flowers in th...
- 约瑟夫环已知n个人(以编号1,2,3...n分别表示)围坐在一张圆桌周围.数组方法,急
- 已知等差数列前n项和为Sn=2n^2+an,a为常数,则公差d=
- 滥竽充数的意思是什么
- hello,ben._________ are you?____ in the studywhat ____ you doing?
- Should it rain,the crops_______.A would be saved B would have been saved C will be saved
- 若/m-3/与/2n-6/互为相反数,则2m+n的值是多少?
- 1.重10N的石块完全浸在水中为6N,g取10N/kg,求石块受到的浮力多少N、石块排开的液体重多少立方厘米、石块体积为多少立方厘米.
- 已知一个等差数列共有2n+1项,其中奇数项之和为290,偶数项之和为261,则第n+1项为( ) A.30 B.29 C.28 D.27