11.she speaks ____english better that____ chinese
12.Marth 8th is___Women`s Day
13.We usually have___lunch at __school
14.___West Lake is one of___most beautiful places in our country
15.What___lovely weather we are having!
18.They made Linda___chairwoman of comunity
19.My nephew is keen on ___Chemistry
20.__boy in ___blue is _____classroom of his brother`s
人气:377 ℃ 时间:2020-02-15 16:00:19
11.she speaks __/__english better than__/__ chinese12.Marth 8th is__/_Women`s Day13.We usually have_/__lunch at _/_school14._The__ West Lake is one of_the__most beautiful places in our country15.What_...classmate那样的话最后一个填a9.___moon moves round__earth 8.there is __tall tree at ___foot of ___hill9._The__moon moves round_the_earth 8.there is _a_tall tree at __the_foot of _the__hill
- 如果cosa=1/5,且a是第四象限的角,那么cos(a=π/2)=
- 为使相距为10cm的平行金属板间形成一个场强E=10^4V/m的匀强电场,两板上必须加上多大电压?如果将带有电荷量为-1.6×10^-10C的尘埃,从两板的正中间移到带正电的金属板,电场力做了多少功?
- 小颖家开了甲、乙两个超市,两个超市在3月份的销售额均为a万元,在4月份和5月份这两个月中,甲超市的销售额平均每月增长x%,而乙超市的销售额平均每月减少x%. (1)5月份甲超市的销
- 在三角形ABC中,角ABC小于角ACB小于角BAC,角BAC和角ABC的外角平分线AE,BD分别与BC,CA
- 用还在.还在造句.应急,
- 设全集为R,集合A={x|x等于6},B={x|-2
- now he o___ a nice house with a garden Take w__ you want Do you always c__ your parents?
- We must take our s___ seriously