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Which is better,a challenging plan about one's future or a practical plan about one's future?
Someonethinks that a challenging plan is needed for achieve his or her goal,butothers prefer a more practical plan.In my opinion,we should combine both thepractical and challenging plan together in order to achieve success.
Forlong-term goal,it is essential to conceive a challenging plan in orderencourage you go through the difficulties.Challenging plan is needed becausepeople don't exactly their potential and it can give people a ambition toachieve her or his long term goal.For example,a overweight girl are dreamingto become a sexy and thin girl,but she is 170 kilogram now,so her long termgoal is to lose weight to 90kg.It is difficult for her to meet her goal.But thisfinal goal,so called challenging plan,will stimulate this girl,and force herto go to gym everyday.She will spend lots of time on treadmill overcoming theextreme tiredness and psychological difficulty.Then she will have the power tocontinue her plan for long time.Even though she doesn’t get the ideal weightshe imagines,she still gets a considerable weight-losing and a healthy body.
Besidethe long term goal,the practical plan is also important.We cannot lack such aplan for our everyday life.Practical plan can bring the sense of achievementand confidence for us by separating the final goal into small and detailedshort plan to carry out.For instance,a designer aim to design and build agreat skyscraper which is hundreds meter.It is unbelievable for him to buildsuch a grand building in one time.It is a complex task requiring a variety ofessential factors.So he will break the great building plan intoseveral-mouth plan.Whenever he finishes the step-plan he will get a great dealof senses of achievement which will arouse his courage to go further more untilthis project end successfully.
Sofor these reasons I believe both practical and challenging plan are essentialfor a successful person.
人气:214 ℃ 时间:2020-05-08 14:47:03
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