世界航天日简介 1961年4月12日,人类首次遨游太空.27岁的前苏联宇航员尤里·加加林乘坐“东方1号”飞船,在莫斯科时间上午9时零7分发射升空,并按预定时间进入空间轨道,在太空围绕地球一周飞行108分钟后返回地面,完成了人类第一次征服太空的壮举.从1969年起,人们把每年的4月12日称为“世界航天日”,又称“世界航天节”.
人气:250 ℃ 时间:2020-04-10 17:45:54
The space day profile on April 12,1961,human beings first space tourist.The 27-year-old former Soviet cosmonaut yuri gagarin cosmonaut "Oriental 1 aboard ship,in Moscow time 9:00 am zero 7 points,and launched into orbit as scheduled on the space around the earth,108 minutes a week after flying back up to the surface,the completion of the human first conquer space feat.Since 1969,people put every year on April 12,called "the space day",also called "the world HangTianJie".
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