Can money buy happiness?(将文章译成英文)
人气:343 ℃ 时间:2019-10-23 11:47:36
You can buy many things with money such as houses, cars, food, clothes and books...Even so, I doubt that money can buy happiness. Happiness is a kind of feeling that you obtain by communicating with other people, but not something you can trade with money. There are many things that people won't be able to buy with money, for example, the satisfaction and proudness brought by the successful 2008 Beijing Olympic and the happiness results from the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PRC. We can't buy love as selfless as given by our parents; we can't buy support and help that are provided by our friends and asking nothing in return when we are in trouble. We are happy because of the love and friendship we received, and none of those can be purchased by money. The happiness you can purchase with money would not be real happiness generated from your heart or will not last long. There are no certain shape or color for happiness; you don't see it, and you are not able to touch it by hands. You can only feel it with your true heart. That is why happiness is more valuable than money. Actually, happiness is priceless!
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