1、words failed her when the___ mother wanted to express her thanks to the policem
1、 words failed her when the -- mother wanted to express her thanks to the policeman who had saved her son
A grateful B worried C upset D warm-hearted
2、You can speak out your ideas ---you are satisfied with our service here in the hotel
A as if B if C unless D so that
3 He looked into the bushes,beneath the branches,and sure enough ,he --- a small cricket.
A found B placed C located D lay
人气:391 ℃ 时间:2019-08-19 18:58:36
1.A当这个满心感激的母亲想要对救了她儿子的警察表示感谢时,她说不出话来了.grateful 感激的;worried 担心的;upset 沮丧的/烦乱的;warm-hearted 热心的2.C如果你对我们这儿旅馆的服务不满意的话,你可以说出你的想...
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